HHLA Supplier Portal

HHLA always welcomes suppliers with interesting technical solutions and new service concepts.

Would you like to become an accredited HHLA partner? The HHLA Supplier Portal is available to you as a service provider and supplier. You may apply for membership and manage your own relevant personal data after the registration and qualification process. You also have the possibility to draw attention to your company by filling out our qualification questionnaire. This questionnaire features purchasing-specific questions as well as current issues such as compliance, occupational safety and sustainability.

The registration area and the portal can be accessed via the following links.

For more information on the registration and qualification process, please refer to our supplier handbook.
To the download area

Whistleblower system

HHLA has set up a digital whistleblower portal (BKMS® System) to identify and combat potential violations of the law (particularly in connection with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act) and breaches of internal guidelines. It is available to all internal and external stakeholders who wish to report potential compliance risks and violations digitally or anonymously (optional). Reports can be submitted at any time via a secure application provided by a specialised provider:


In this area you can find information on the main product groups, contact persons and additional documents relevant to our suppliers and service providers.