Hydrogen: Clean Port & Logistics project

In collaboration with our partners, we are promoting the decarbonisation of handling and transport processes. Clean Port & Logistics (CPL), an innovation cluster to test hydrogen-powered port logistics equipment, aims to help with this.

With Clean Port & Logistics, we have created an innovation cluster to test hydrogen-powered equipment in port logistics. This will support and accelerate both the achievement of market maturity and the integration into regular port operations. In order to reduce emissions in port handling and the associated logistics chains, our innovation cluster has the support of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) – with HHLA in charge of managing the cluster.

The CPL innovation cluster

CPL brings together equipment manufacturers as well as port and logistics companies with academic partners, producers of renewable hydrogen, software companies and operators and manufacturers of storage tank locations. The parties cooperate nationwide to conduct research and practical tests into how hydrogen can be used in a reliable way to supply power to harbour technology and port logistics. The cluster carries out simulations and investigations and develops training concepts for this purpose. At the core of activities will be a testing ground for hydrogen-powered equipment at the HHLA Container Terminal Tollerort in Hamburg.

The cluster will be sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure as part of a national innovation programme for hydrogen and fuel cell technology.

Angela Titzrath, Chairwoman of HHLA’s Executive Board: “Port handling and heavy goods logistics will make their contribution to climate protection and improving the quality of life in urban areas. The key element here is the decarbonisation of logistics. That can also be achieved with the help of hydrogen as the operating energy. This is why I am delighted to be launching a cluster alongside committed partners to test this promising new fuel source. CPL will provide an additional boost to the transformation process.”

You can find more information about the partner companies on the cluster website: Hydrogenports

The cluster is being tested with a variety of different companies that receive various benefits.

  • Direct access to customers in the logistics sector with significant sales potential
  • Numerous potential customers are reached with the demonstration of a single unit
  • Direct feedback and various test scenarios lead to quicker market maturity
  • Representation of interests concerning hydrogen through a large cooperative

  • Specific test scenarios and operation cycles can be tested in daily terminal operations
  • The results can serve as a foundation for decision-making
  • Developed concepts can be used for retrofitting your own equipment
  • Representation of interests concerning hydrogen through a large cooperative

  • Direct access to customers in the logistics sector with significant sales potential
  • Numerous potential customers are reached with the demonstration of a single facility
  • Direct feedback on the price sensitivity of potential customers
  • Representation of interests concerning hydrogen through a large cooperative

  • Take up new questions directly from the companies
  • Practical data for the further development of models and simulations
  • Direct contact to equipment manufacturers and other logistics companies for possible R/D projects

Hydrogen refuelling station at HHLA Container Terminal Tollerort

Equipment such as straddle carriers, empty container stackers, forklift trucks, reach stackers, tractor units and heavy goods vehicles can be efficiently refuelled with green hydrogen at 350 bar in the Port of Hamburg.

Learn more

Contact persons

Karin Debacher


Head of Hydrogen Projects

Leif Carstens


Management Clean Port & Logistics Innovation Cluster

Mobile +49 151 53214078