Andreas Rieckhof

Member since August 2020

Personal information

  • Born: 1959 in Hamburg
  • Nationality: German
  • Place of residence: Hamburg

Current occupation and career history

Since 2011: State Secretary at the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Innovation of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (FHH), until June 2020 Department of Transportation, since June 2020 Department of Economic Affairs

2007 - 2011: Mayor, Hanseatic City of Stade

2000 - 2007: Member of the City Council (Economy and Finance) (2000 - 2006) and Chairman of the City Council (2006 - 2007), City of Aurich

1996 - 2000: Consultant, later Head of Department in the joint regional planning Hamburg, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein and coordinator for the regional development concept in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region

1991 - 1995: Ministry for Urban Development, member of the founding staff and personal advisor of the Senator for Urban Development (1991 - 1993), Head of the Department for Presidential and Parliamentary Affairs (1993 - 1995), FHH

1988 - 1991: Scientific assistant for several members of the Hamburg City Parliament (1988 - 1989) and for the Social Democratic Party Hamburg (1989 - 1991)


  • Degree (Magister Artium) in History, Political Sciences, Social and Economic History at the University of Hamburg, 1979 – 1986

Memberships in other statutory supervisory boards of German companies

  • FHG Flughafen Hamburg GmbH, Hamburg1

Memberships in comparable domestic or foreign controlling bodies of business enterprises

  • Food Cluster Hamburg GmbH1
  • HHT Hamburg Tourismus GmbH, Hamburg1 (Chairman)
  • HIW Hamburg Invest Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg1 (Chairman)
  • HMC Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH, Hamburg1 (Chairman)
  • Life Science Nord Management GmbH, Hamburg1 (Chairman in even-numbered years)
  • ReGe Hamburg-Projekt-Realisierungsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg1 (Chairman)
  • ZAL Zentrum für Angewandte Luftfahrtforschung GmbH, Hamburg1 (Chairman)

Other material activities in addition to the Supervisory Board mandate

  • None

1 Associated Company of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (other than HHLA Group)